Police Department : Town of Hartford 


Crime Reports & Statistics

Crime statistics in the Town of Hartford are tracked in strict accordance with the national standards administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program. The UCR program is a nationwide cooperative statistical effort of over 18,000 city, county, and state law enforcement agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes brought to their attention. The program’s main objective is to generate a reliable set of criminal statistics for use in law enforcement and has become one of the nation’s leading social indicators. The FBI also produces several reports comparing crime data, allowing residents to compare crime rates where they live to those of surrounding or similar sized communities. These publications can be reviewed here.

The Vermont Crime Information Center (VCIC) administers the state's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program. The VCIC is also the official repository for Vermont crime data, including information submitted by Vermont law enforcement agencies and the court system. VCIC Criminal History Information may be accessed by clicking here.

Monthly, the Hartford Police Department submits reported information to the VCIC, which is responsible for collecting, editing, and analyzing reported crime data from all law enforcement agencies statewide, consistent with the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). The NIBRS data provides the information base for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Crime Data Explorer (CDE), which can be accessed here.

As a service to our community, the Hartford Police Department has contracted with the Motorola CityProtect Program to provide a resource for day to day calls for service. Information on the website is updated every 24 hours and is searchable. By using the map here and clicking on interactive crime data, you can research crime information in your own community.