Police Department : Town of Hartford 


There are three elements that must be present before a criminal can commit an illegal act: DESIRE, ABILITY and OPPORTUNITY.

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While the blame for illegal acts rests with the offender, the fact remains we all have a crucial role to play in the area of crime prevention.



Crime Prevention Is:

Being aware that a crime CAN occur; ANTICIPATING the type, location, or time; and TAKING ACTION to reduce the chance of it happening.

By eliminating just one of the above components, crime can be averted. While control over the first two elements, DESIRE and ABILITY rests solely with the suspect, you can have considerable impact on the third — OPPORTUNITY.

Crime prevention is largely using instinct, action, and common sense to eliminate (or greatly reduce) a criminal’s opportunity. Your responsibility lies in removing opportunity to decrease the likelihood of becoming a victim. 

Crime prevention requires a holistic approach involving every member of the community. The collective actions of everyone within a neighborhood are vital to success.



How Can You Practice Crime Prevention?


Read below or contact the Hartford Police Department for information on how to make your home more secure, mark your personal property, and maintain personal security.


Follow the Hartford Police Department on Social Media, attend Coffee with a Cop or other outreach event, get to know and support your local police officers.


Utilize the 911 system for emergencies and to report suspicious activities or circumstances. No violation is too small to be reported. Don't assume someone has already reported the incident.


Knowledge is POWER. Follow the news and sign-up for VT-Alert or updates from CityProtect. Keep current on local crime problems. Attend public meetings. Become familiar with local crime trends and what proactive measures are being done to address the issues.


Support groups, community associations, and other proactive neighborhood organizations are invaluable in combating crime. Encourage children to become actively involved in the effort to build character and foster a sense of security.




Burglaries or break-ins happen much more frequently than most people think — and it's always an unsettling experience. A quality alarm system, good lighting (with motion sensor activation), solid deadbolt locks, and vigilant neighbors can be powerful deterrents to crime. The following tips can also help reduce a burglar’s OPPORTUNITY, and make your home less appealing to would-be offenders:

  1. Have lights with motion sensors at all entrances to your home.

  2. When away, attach timers to your interior lights and play your radio to give the appearance that someone is home.

  3. Keep bushes and other vegetation closely trimmed and away from windows and doors to ensure they cannot be used as concealment by someone attempting to break into your home.

  4. Only allow trusted friends and/or neighbors to know your vacation and work schedules.

  5. Do not hide spare keys in easily accessible places and do not surrender your house keys to valets, tow truck drivers, mechanics, etc.; use a valet key or separate your vehicle key from your residential keys.

  6. Request photo identification from any repair person who will be entering your home. If any doubt exists, do not let the person inside and call their employer to verify their identity.

  7. Never give personal information to telephone solicitors or via the internet.

  8. Avoid leaving new boxes for electronic items or other expensive purchases outside on trash pick-up days. Instead, break down the boxes so their former content is not visible and recycle them.

  9. Make certain that your house numbers are clearly visible to assist law enforcement and other first responders in finding your home in the event of an emergency.

If you’d like to learn more, you can access the Safety, Health, and Consumer Council’s Comprehensive Guide to Securing Your Home as a way to help promote safety and prevention awareness. This guide includes key steps and preventive measures that can go a long way in keeping your home safe and secure while everyone is away.





If you can leave your valuables, phone, purse, or tools at home, do so.  If this is not an option, place your items in the trunk or out of public view.

2. Lock your Vehicle

Verify that your vehicle is securely locked before leaving it unattended. Be mindful that remote locking devices can malfunction, so verify their proper operation before leaving the vehicle unattended.

3. Close Windows and Sun Roofs

Windows and sun/moon roofs allow a thief quick and easy access to your vehicle's interior and the property within. Access can be gained through a very small opening so ensure windows are completely closed and the sun roof secured.

4. Install an Alarm

Consider the use of an alarm with an ignition kill switch and/or the use of an external steering wheel or brake system locking device.

5. Parking

When possible, park in well-lit areas with a high volume of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.




If you would like more information on how to protect yourself from becoming a victim of Identity Theft or what to do if you should become a victim, please visit the Federal Trade Commission’s consumer web guide on Avoiding Identity Theft, or the Vermont Attorney General’s Office web page on Consumer Information.



Staying informed and working together, we can reduce the number of crimes occurring within our community and make the Town of Hartford a great place to live, learn, and work.